The NAA-NY Metro Chapter hosted soccer clinic run by Super Soccer Stars at Prospect Park in Brooklyn on Sunday August 15,2010. The clinic was a huge success! Over twenty families signed up for the Brooklyn event. Stuart Flaum, an NAA-NY Metro board member, welcomed the children, siblings and parents.
Super Soccer Stars Special Needs Director, Meredith Faltin, outlined the agenda to the parents and children. Two groups were formed, one for 4-7 year olds, and one for 8 years of age of up. The special coaches were enthu
siastic, and the children responded with the same enthusiasm.
The clinic was a kick, and well attended. Many parents brought cameras to capture their children in action. The energy was high, with nearly 50 people participating in one way or another at the NAA-NY Metro soccer clinic in Brooklyn.
Specialthanks to Brooklyn parent, Beth Monterosso, for helping to get the word out to the community. And special thanks to Beth for preparing sandwiches, chips and fruit for the children. Beth, you are terrific!

In addition to great memories, everyone left the NAA-NY Metro soccer clinic with a something! The NAA-NY Metro Chapter presented a certficate of participation to the children and Super Soccer Stars for Special Needs brought frisbees for the children. Parents were given brochures about NAA NY Metro, its flagship programs, and NAAvigators.
"Thanks Brooklyn for welcoming the NAA NY Metro Chapter. We can do great things, together." said Stuart Flaum, from the NAA-NY Metro Chapter.